Batch Payment Requests

Streamline Your Payments with Batch Payment Requests

The Batch Upload feature allows you to directly send payment requests in bulk via SMS or email with just one click.

How to Use Batch Upload

  1. Prepare Your CSV File: Input the transaction details into a CSV file. A sample CSV file is available in the Clik2pay Portal for your reference.
  2. Upload Your CSV File: Navigate to the Batch Upload page in the Clik2pay Portal and upload your file.
    Review Batch Results: Once uploaded, Clik2pay will automatically generate a Batch Result File in the Portal, showing whether each payment request was successfully scheduled.
  3. Send Payment Notifications: After processing, payment notifications will be sent to customers via SMS or email. You can also access the Clik2pay short payment code, payment link, and QR code link for each payment request.
  4. Monitor Transactions: All payment requests will be visible in the Transactions section of the Clik2pay Portal.
  5. Batch API: Clik2pay also offers a Batch API to further optimize your batch requests. For more details, please visit Batch Submit Payment Request.

Requirements for Uploading a Batch File

To ensure successful processing, your Batch Upload CSV file must meet the following requirements:

  1. Input Fields: Columns A to M are input fields in the Batch Upload file. Refer to the provided table for the required input fields and examples.
  2. Maximum Requests: The Batch Upload feature supports up to 10,000 payment requests per upload.
    File Format: Only CSV or text files are supported, with a maximum file size of 5MB.
  3. Field Names: Field input names must match exactly as specified in the sample file. Do not rename the input field row names.
  4. Output Fields: Columns N to W are output fields generated by Clik2pay in the Batch Result file, providing detailed transaction results.

Required Batch Input Fields

ColumnBatch Input FieldsDescription
Abill_amount (required)The amount of the payment in Canadian dollars.
Example: 50.25
Bcustomer_name (required)The name of the payer.
The character length must be between 3 and 100.
Example: Jane Doe
Ccust_account_number (required)The merchant's account ID for the payer.
The character length must be between 4 and 100.
Example: 1234
Ddue_dateThe date on which payment is due.
Note: that this is an information field and nothing happens if the customer doesn't pay by the due date
Ecustomer_mobile_number *(required)The mobile number to contact the payer.
*Required when request_notification is SMS.
Example: 9051234567
Fcustomer_email (required)The email address to contact the payer.
*Required when request_notification is EMAIL.
Gbiller_end2end_idUnique end-to-end identifier of a payment, as assigned by the merchant.
The character length must be between 3 and 100.
Hbiller_payment_type (required)The type of transaction for the payment. Always use EBILL unless this is an e-commerce transaction.
Possible values: EBILL, ECOMM, FLEX
Irequest_notification (required)The method to use to notify the payer of the request. Default is NONE.
Possible values: SMS, EMAIL, NONE
Jdelivery_dateThe date on which payment will be delivered to the customer.
Kcustomer_preferred_languageThe preferred language of correspondence. Currently, only English and French are supported.
Possible values: en, fr
Ltransaction_display_messageThe network message displayed to the payer as they review the payment. If not set, a default message will be displayed.
Minimum length 3, maximum length 420 characters.
Mmerchant_invoice_numberAn invoice number to apply to the payment for tracking purposes.
Maximum length 50 characters.
Nmerchant_business_unitA value to identify the business unit of a merchant to support grouping of payment by unit.
Maximum length 50 characters.
Oflex_requested_amountThe requested amount of the payment in Canadian dollars.
Example: 50.25
Pflex_minimum_amountThe minimum amount of the payment in Canadian dollars.
Example: 10.00
Qflex_maximum_amountThe maximum amount of the payment in Canadian dollars.
Example: 100.50

Batch Fields Returned by Clik2pay

ColumnBatch Returned FieldsDescription
R biller_id The unique identifier of the merchant for the payment.
Sbiller_trans_idThe unique identifier of the payment.
Tbiller_trans_status Payment request status
Uexpiry_dateThe date when the payment is set to expire.
Vc2p_paymentlinkThe direct URL the payer can use to complete the payment.
Wc2p_shortcodeA short code that can be used by the payer to complete the payment at Clik2pay’s website.
Xc2p_QRcodelinkThe link to a QR code image which when scanned would direct a payer to the payment link.
Ycreated_dateThe date the payment was created.
ZstatusThe status of a created payment.
Possible Values: SUCCESS or FAIL
AAerrorsThe error message associated with payments that failed to generate